the space

This is my digital artwork for my Wetiweti Ana award. It’s about how there could be life outside of earth. It shows the planets in the solar system and a space shuttle


Greasy crispy burger
Sweet sour fillings
On a summer’s day
I love my burgers
The crunch when you bite it
The smell the taste and the smell
I love all of it.

My Report Writing




1 July 2024

The pharynx (throat)

The pharynx (throat) is a muscular tube in the center of your neck that helps you breathe and digest food. Many medical issues can affect your pharynx from a common cold to cancer. You can protect your pharynx by not smoking and avoiding infection.


What does the pharynx do? In general, it supports your respiratory and digestive systems. Specifically, your pharynx:

  • Routes air coming in your nose and mouth down to your larynx (voice box), which, in turn, moves air to your trachea and lungs.
  • Delivers food and liquid to your esophagus, which sends them on to your stomach. More than that, your pharynx helps to make sure particles of food and liquid don’t tumble into your trachea and your lungs.

Abel Tasman’s discovery of New Zealand

Abel Tasman was a dutch explorer who was the first European to discover New Zealand. He named it Staten land, He sailed around the outskirts of the land and mapped the country. Later, dutch cartographers renamed it Nieuw Zeeland after the province they came from, Zeeland (Sealand) Even later on, a British explorer named captain cook was the first European to set foot on the land and renamed it New Zealand to anglicise it.

The 28th Maori Battalion

This is the mail song that the 28th Maori Battalion sung when they were getting ready to go to war. NZ still uses this song today.

It’s a long way to Tipperary,
It’s a long way to go;
It’s a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know; 

Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It’s a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart’s right there.

He roa te wä ki Tipirere
He tino mamao
He roa te wä ki Tipirere
Ki täku kötiro

Kupai Pakitiri
Hai konä Rehita Koea
He tino mamao ki Tipirere
Ki taku tau pümau

(It’s) a long way to Tipperary
(It’s) very far away
(It’s) a long way to Tipperary
To my girl.

Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It’s very far away to Tipperary,
To my one trueMaori Battalion haka in Egypt, 1941 | NZHistory, New Zealand history online